MY IVF Journey

My Journey through the process of IVF treatment. I suffer from both Polycystic Ovaries and Endometriosis., and although I am only 25, I have experienced what could be classed as a mild menopause. My partner also has some problems with his sperm count. SO although we already have one child, we will have to undergo IVF and ICSI if we hope to have any more children.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

It All Starts Somewhere

Well It Does all Start Somewhere - and here and now is my somewhere.

I've been putting off starting this journal, but now I can put it off no more. I Have now actually started IVF treatment - Well I haven't started a treatment cycle but Ive been to see the doctor and the wheels have been set in motion.

Ive had an initial Appointment with our new ivf clinic, I'd been to meet with doctors at two other clinics in the past, but I didnt feel comfortable with them. Also the new clinic has a wonderful policy of bulk billing as much as possible so as to save their patients as much money as they can. Other clinics quote around $3,000 - $5,000 out of pocket per cycle, Plus private hospital fees and the anethetist. Our New Clinic quoted us between $300 - $2,000 per cycle plus private hospital etc.

So as you can see I'm happy about the financial side of things, and am even happier about the doctor. She is the only female doctor I've met with at an ivf clinic, actually the only female I've heard of who is doing IVF in SYdney - Although there may be others. Anyway she is great, super friendly, kind and understanding. All of the staff that I have met so far are really great. So I'm feeling confidant that this is the place for us.

Just quickly so you know what the deal is - I have Polycystic Ovaries as well as endometriosis. I haven't had a period in about 2 years. My Partner has slack sperm. He has a low count, and they don't all swim the right way. So although we already have a naturally conceived son who is 7 now, we are going to have to do both IVF and ICSI to achieve another pregnancy.

I'm 25 and he is 28 so we at least have age on our side. Ive lost around 10 kilos - lets say about 20 lbs, Which has been anything but easy. One of the most horrible side effects of PCOS is being overweight, SO I've been fighting that.

We are both quitting smoking, we gave up alchohol years ago, we had quit smoking too, but when I started to get sick and in pain with the endo we both started smoking again. SOmething to do with long nights spent at the hospital ED> trying to get some relief from the agonising pain. - Oh and the three misscarriages. We had a really hellish start to the century.

Anyway I'm taking my folate and vitamins, and so is he, we are getting daily excersize, And I'm trying to give up caffiene. Although Its hard I know I have to do it.

So If all goes well we hope to start our first IVF Cycle in Late June or July. August at the latest. I Keep telling myself that I'm going to expect the first cycle to fail - but of course I'm secretly hoping it works. Anyway We are planning to do 2 cycles back to back if the need be. If we are still not pregnant we may wait another month before trying again.

I'm a complete mess already but I'll talk about that later.

Although Ive written heaps here and its pretty messy - I promise it will get a bit more fun in the future as we bend and pary and twist and turn in hopes of getting another baby!

Saturday, March 27, 2004

The First Post

This first post isn't quite what I want it to be. It is written in a hurry just so that I can get a post up and edit the layout etc.

New entires will start flowing as soon as I get things set up - and as soon as my ivf journey really begins.

I mean it has already begun, we know we need ivf and all thnat.. but we are just waiting for that all important first appointment , which will be on
APRIL 30th 2004

Between now and then I will work on getting this place set up, as well as creating some pages with our background info and such.

If you are interested in IVF then please bookmark this page and visit us again after APril 30th 2004.

Thanks for dropping by, AND best of luck
